Friday 6 December 2013

Influences of My Short Film

I had a lot of different things that influenced me throughout the preproduction and production phases of my short film. These influences ranged from all sorts of media platforms. The most prominent of which was The Matrix. 
The Matrix (1999) came out when I was only three years old, of course I never saw it in the cinemas but when I finally got around to watching it, it became a film that stuck with me for years and years. Even to this very day I find myself looking back fondly on my times viewing the matrix. I can honestly say it is one of my favourite films I have ever seen. The reason why I took heavy influence from the matrix is that it is the tale of a hero that is unlike anyone else. Neo (the film's protagonist) remains completely and utterly isolated. Despite being surrounded by his teammates Neo is isolated in his mind as he surpasses the rest of humanity as he is the chosen one. I wanted to portray this isolation without forcing it too much; therefore I only cast one actor for my short film. 
Another film that I admire for its use of camera and sound is The Hurt Locker (2008). The hurt locker creates an intense atmosphere around the scenes used and I admire this and it has influenced my film as it is what builds the scenes and it sets the audience on edge. I really wanted to replicate this because I felt that if I was able to mimic this then my audience would be more drawn into the film and perhaps they would enjoy it more than they already would. To mimic the hurt locker in my short film I used a mixture of music with several breaks in the music to create an intensified tone that serves to complicate and to excite the audience.

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