Tuesday 3 December 2013

Media Theory - Question 1A - Digital Technology

Throughout this year I have used all manner of digital technologies in order to achieve the standard of coursework I deem acceptable. This has been a particularly interesting task as I’ve had to get to grips with new technology that I had previously no experience with and that has been very difficult. Primarily I had to get used to new program packages such as the Adobe Master Suite which features many of the products that professionals would use in industry, for example; Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Premiere CS6. I had to harness my previous abilities with the older versions of Photoshop in order to get to an ability level where I can easily create a professional looking poster and article. One tool I found very helpful on Photoshop was the magic wand tool because it removes the backgrounds of you photos allowing you to replace it with a new background or to manipulate images. I also used adobe premiere to make my video the best quality it could possibly be, during the re-arrangement of my clips I found that the razor tool came in very handy because it lets you split clips into two with the press of a mouse button. I also used the camera to film my video, it was the first time I have every used a DSLR and I found it very tricky to get to grips with certain elements because it is very tricky. I used the ISO clicker to find the correct ISO for my video in order to make sure that the lighting looked correct.

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