Tuesday 3 December 2013

Media Theory - Question 1A - Post-Production

After I had finished the production of my own short film and the article and the poster it then became apparent to me that I needed to refine my work in order to achieve the grade that I needed. I started to go back to my research and my planning in order to refresh my ideas that I had at the start. This also helped me to see if I had missed anything that I had previously wanted to implement in my video or my poster. I had to render out my video, in order to make it the best possible quality it could be I had to consult an online guide that helped me with getting the correct render settings. I opted to render it out as a draft first to make sure everything I wanted to be in the video was there and in order to ensure that the video looked as good as it possibly could. I also had to export the other two tasks. These were slightly easier to export and I managed to do it with ease.

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